Sunday, October 19, 2008 @
Spending all my nights, All my money going out on the town.
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind.
But when the morning comes, I'm right back where I started again
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time!
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see, There was something in everything about you.
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you!
ie've not open yet, just havee this sudden urge t post this t tell you.
dearest, ie know you're looking )':
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @
ngsinyee, she never fails t makee mie laugh :x
could sleep well last night. yawnsx*
about 3plus. went t bath& walk-ed t mall t buy KFC for dear's lunch& headed t her housee.
she gavee mie this surprise by hiding behind a wall t fetch mie. LOLS (x
then accompany her t play basketball, gym aftermath& tak-ed her dinner from her mum& then back t her housee. while waiting we have a lil chitchat by the pool, kinda comfortable. then as dear's tv was spoiled, so we headed back t her room t rest after a bite of dinner(: samual lim, dear's brother ish a pig can. ate the whole packet of noodles down& dessert stil. seee, ima bad mouthing you here, idiot! soso xialan hur.. but we havee a lil laugther while arguing, dear just sat there watch us argue, when ima blocking his way, dear even hug ie away -.-' nevermind. back t topic, with the nicee, comfty bed along with cooling air-con& dear's warm hug. ie nearly fall asleep :x but then we didnt, we were missing& getting back the feeling when dear was at myehousee, we were always hugging t bed.. at that moment, wish time would pauseee. thenthen? t b continueeee ' evil grins'.. ahhas, not b told :xx dear accompany mie t bus stop around 9plus& homeee.
dearest, read the fullscape& you wil find the answer you wann. ima happy today(: for the first time after soso long, you realisee mie, realisee ima thinkging of something! the question, 'why you today sians sians derh? what you thinking?' the answer ish insidee there. thosee hugs ima longing for, the warmest hug, ie get back today (x you know that ie dislike your playful manner& you once promisee you wont b like that, but somehow, this promisee t mie doesnt stays. its fading away. ie said ie dont mind your friends but! doesnt mean anything closer. from the day we started, you never write comments t girls or add any girls. now? okays, ie can dont really mind alsoo. its your freedom of friends, like you wanted. yes, ima jealouss that you write thosee comments trying t gain more comments from others. if you stil wanna us back, you'll changed& not b like now. your attitude& the way you treat mie last time. ie know you givee in alot, but now, you dont even pamper mie or make a distancee from others. pleaseee understand that, ie dont mind, but stil when one have a stead, distance between friends are needed t have, all girls expected that.. not anywhere closer or overboard, if not, we cant just movee on like now. BUT! something ie havee t said, what gives your 'friend' the write t comment on mie, how well does she knows about mie?! hereby declaring, ima not looking for quarrels or whatever, just dontlike her t comment on mie& not dontlikee her but that comment, hopee you understand. if not, idk.
& here's something that ima serious, ie say dontlike mean really dontlike.. so, ask your friend dont b so sensitivee or rather lame? & try t 'hint' you into going 'underground'.. it makes thing worst! (: also, yesterday derh msg, ie mean it too. ie dont wanna you t write thosee comments t other girls, trying t get more comments from otherss! ie MIND!! ima not interfering but, ie've been likee super sensitive when it comes t your friend. you know derh. ima changing but theres stil a thing called 'limit'. try t understand, if cant, tell mie. ie wil know(:
Friday, October 10, 2008 @
dear requested t take. for the first timee all these while yea :DD

okays, everything went quite smoothly today(:
we AMKhq for statement& result ish, mayb counselling. but when ie heard what dearest ish gonna have for that really really makes mie regret so damn much. IMA SORRY. its entirely myefault for that ): & dear didnt tell mie that she has left homee, only told mie t msg her when ima on myeway homee, so ie thought she would stil b on bed or something but, t mye fullest surprisee which ie always hopee for. she's at myestairs waiting for mieee(: ahhas! so happy right? then went t rivervalee t fetch brother& mall for their lunch. headed home soon& after eating, dear just fall asleep, soso pig yea. while ima waking her up, kinda hit -.- nevermind, ie forgivee you :p as its not on purpose ie know. looking at her facee when she's sleeping, makes mie realisee many stuffs, flashing through. ie decideee something, thats our answer t b told t each other after mye exams(: nothing goona make miee change myemind on that. okays, back t topic, dear finally wak-ed up around 8plus. then ate something& ie accompany her bus homee its about 9? & for the first timee! she allow mie t do that, ie wanna makeup for mye wrong doings& all thosee fucked up attitude last time. so, walk-ed her homee& ie headed back t bus homee(: reached around 9plus. thats all readers. byeee!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @
ie've sacrificed so much& you also. we've come through so much, so many people t last til here. from the day we met, we talk-ed, we laugh-ed& we've fun. you disturb mie, make mie laugh, tells mie you lovee mie. neglect so many people just for mie, accompanying mie& hugging mie. caress so much& gave mie your kiss& hugss.
11.59pm, the precious moments we oncee had. ie never forget what you have suffer for mie, how much you had done for mie& til now, ie never regret whatever things ie have do or changee for you. causee, its nothing compares t yours. no matter what people says, its falls on deaf ear of mine. all ie ever wanted ish t b truthful t each other like before. you wil tell mie everything althought sometimes, you gave an damn shy face thats so adorable. you would make mis laugh& humor mie everytime. everytime& stil now, ie find you cutee& so adorable! mayb people do changes& yar, mye feelings wont, still lovee you like before..
but til then...
your attitude changes, your feelings faded )': , your thinking of mie worsen..
dear madee this for mie, ohmytian...
taken by sohseewei :/
iloveyou just this much :DD

cam-whoring in progress (:

havee a lil too much laugther today. have a lil bite at canteen after exams today.
went 7eleven with samatha'ahmei, sinyee& yawen for mye magazines that help mie pass time while waitin for myedear(: headed himee then dear call-ed t disturb -.- just t make mie feel better after yesterdays. thankyou dearest :D watching tv & she went counselling. less then 1/2 hour, she called again, guess what? she was latee& so counselling changed datee. ahhas. she lied that she went home, was kinded dissapointed until she reached myehouseee. ima like so shocked& happy, or should ie day thrilling. LOLS. she gavee mie this surprised that makes mie happier so damn much. we watch-ed tv& headed t mall t buy our lunch at KFC. home& eaten, was so 'high' that we couldnt stop what we were doing. right dear? then mummy& brother came home, dear& ie used com& was like so excited when viewing profiles& was just laughing& pushing all the way. sounds crazy hur? but we were havin fun.
yesterday its gonna b the last time ima like that, ima in the wrong medecine or just too fuckup. ie spout out everything about mie& you. sorry, but you take what ie said t heart, thanks for that. ie promised we will be better in time& get throught everything. you did everything today t make mie better& ie really did(: we changed t different person that suits you& pleaseee you. lovee mie more, wil you? regarding that msg, wells, hopee t receive it soon. also, yesterday thosee msg, explain t mie when you havee the time? ie dont understand. yea, ima glad you til tell mie things now, slowly. ie promise not t be angry just wanna you b truthful. hold your attittude sometimes, its not mie who give alrights.currently, awaiting for your call, idiot!
Sunday, October 5, 2008 @
Just Mie& Still Mie(:

Somee Sweetsssss.

Moodless, Moodless& Moodlesss.
here's a question, where's your heart dear? with mie?
ima oh-so tired already. let mie know if ie should not hold on so tightly.
pleaseee, tell mie the answers t all mye questionmarksx!!
as for today that 'thing' , ie stil wanna know. stil need you t explain.
not wanna quarrel. reasons ie have already tell you..
'no point being together' this sentence, tells mie you no longer need mie D':
not gonna post actually, but ie need to.
here's something, what ie asked for ish just a msg whatever you do& if you're not convience in answering call, give mie a msg let mie know why. you said okay, but? its not too much right? ie said ie wont b angry or attitude when you see your friends, just the truth but? ie need time t changee& ie did. freedom& privacy ish 2different thing. ie asked, who, how you know doesnt mean ima interfering with your friends. just asking! why cant ie know? as we're together, ie dont see any reason t hide such things. this ish how ima living all those past& you wanna mie t change, TIME ish needed so much! stil, why need t hide, ima like soso suspicious of it, stil ie TRUSTED you& ima trusting so strongly. do you even know that? nevermind. you only wil answered idontknow )': causee you're thinking ima suspecting you all the while.
mieee& dear :DD
wells, just the smaee way, phototaking!

samanthasoh& ngsinyee. beloved :p
opps! they didnt knew that!
so sad.. sister going overboard today ): gonna miss her soso badly :x
went t send her off& how clumsy ie can get. ie forgot myephone -,-'
then headed home about 5plus, ring dear up& having the intention t buy dinner for dear& her brother before going t her housee as she's like so lazy t come& looked for mie.
surprisingly, dear gave mie a fright from behind when ima buying KFC as their dinner. LOLS! then headed t dear's housee after buying& watch-ed tv awhile as there ish this nicee show going on at that timeee. was oh-so sweaty so bath-ed. went t disturb dear's brother, samual :p alrights, if you happen t came by myeblog. read this,
samual, dont always stare at the computer screen like now! do something elseee, like going out or watch-ed tv? better than like that always played computergames& stuff like that. it spoiled your eyes& also, dont b so xialan horsx, dontknow mie then talk-ed more t mie so that you'll know mie(:
dont b jealous dear, here's something for you too! thats
ILOVEYOU!! ahhas :DD you're always mye best dear& no matter how much ie've t give in or humor you its all okay. smuacksx!
crapping. then went home(: tml having chinesee paper. gonna b a piece of cakee t mie? LOLS!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 @
RANDOMLY, randomly...

thesee ish just some random pictures ie happen t find.
returning t the past ~ ima on mye way.
the past when everything wasnt like that, blessed mie people.
ima having a hard time now )':
picturesss of mie in thailand (:

ohwell, had a serious stomachcramp this morning. stil ie drag myeself out of bed t bath.
& headed t compass t meet sinyee& vance'mummy first, then waited for samanatha'meimei. she was so damn fucking long :x aftermath, meetup with chinmin'boyfriend& then cabb-ed t dear's housee. thanks boyfriend anywae& iloveyou(L) reached dear's housee& lie for awhile, bath-ed& bused home. about 7plus, dear went home& currently his playing basketball.
yesterday, a huge quarrel happen. need not elaborate much here. but dear! as you had promised, you dont lie t mie again alrights? & sorry t day, but ie cant forget so. ima not gonna forget her. dont blame mie if ie happen t stare at her or what causeee, its a reaction ima having towards that girl now! it hurts mie alot, ie dontknow why. but, things beteen us aint the same anymore. sighs ~ let natuire take its course. just hope everything gonna b fine. if not...