Potatoes rule!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @
Theeseee ish myebeloved(:

mie, during thailand trip. long ago.

snapshots1 :D

&& 2 :DD

lastly, the stairs dear madee. soooo nicee.

recently there are just too much ob obstacles between mie& dear.
too much that we almost cant breathe, yet, things are not relax now.
ie've learn& realise, 2people being together. needed alot of give in.
plenty of trust& believe. less control& a lil jokes t make your lovee beautiful.
ima learning t trust, give in little moree, changing mye sttitude.
so, how it stil can b saved. our lovee life stil wont end.
hopee t go back t the past with you, dear. thats what makes myelife worthwhile :D

Sunday, September 28, 2008 @
ie had always lovee you, never changed.

what gonna be MIE without YOU?

here's the result for dear's hair.

just wanna say, ima jealous whenever girls get closee t dear.
so, get it, people? stay not too clsee t her.
she's MINE! for your information(:

dear buy this for mie when ima angry with him sometimes (:

beforeee going t find dear at her houseeee :D

after reaching dear's houseee ie changed. causeee too hot :x

reflectionsss. iloveyou(:

dear& mieeee. see dear's hair. ie D.I.Y for her :D

yesterday :
arrange t meet dear up at her houseee around 11plus. so, wakeup around 9plus, chatted with caiyan'boyfriend on the phonee awhile then off t bath& bused t dear's housee after getting the dye she wants. then went up her houseee& get lunch for her mother, brothers& ourself at the coffeeshop around& then back t eat. aftermath, ie D.I.Y for dear's hair. its kind of highlight& its quite successful ie think :x dear gave mie a kiss as reward. LOLS! then, walk-ed t hougangmall for a lil shopped& bus-ed back t her houseee for dinner. while waiting for bus, we were having so much fun& laughter. on the bus, worst! we laugh so hard til tears dropping out. ahhas~ dear& ie enjoy so much. around 7plus, dear peii-ed mie homee& watch-ed tv awhile juii walk-ed her t busstop& she bus-ed homeee (:
one very dood news ish that, we didnt quarrel-ed& were laughing away like mad instead. so happy :DDD its been long sincee we were like that!
dear camee t myehousee waiting for myemum they all t come back so that can celebrate her birthdae with her. dear bought mianxian for mie. so yumyummy! thanks dear (: then daddy fetch us t geylang for steamboat around 5plus? there were kinda dirty& disgust. didnt ate much too. headed t AMKhub for a walk-ed& lil tiff appeared again, things were finee when we were on the cabb(: ie humor dear by calling him his lil nickname, ie gavee :p thenn went mall& walk-ed dear t bus stop& she bus-ed home. awws, imissher yea.
dear, catch mye blowkiss t you, smuacksxxx :D

Thursday, September 25, 2008 @
Red: Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion.
Pink: Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts.
Yellow: In the Victorian times, yellow roses meant jealousy. But today, they signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning.
White: Spiritual love & Purity, the rose of confession,
the bridal rose; "You are heavenly", "I am worthy of you" .
Lavender: Love at first sight and enchantment.
Orange: Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination.

1 Rose: Love at the first sight; you are the one.
2 Rose: Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another.
3 Rose: I love you.
6 Rose: I wanna be yours.
7 Rose: I'm infatuated with you.
9 Rose: An Eternal love, together as long as we live.
10 Rose: You are perfect.
11 Rose: You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life.
12 Rose: Be my steady.
13 Rose: Secret Admirer.
15 Rose: I am truly sorry, please forgive me.
20 Rose: Believe me, I am sincere towards you.
21 Rose: I am devoted to you.
24 Rose: Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday.
33 Rose: Saying "I love you" with great affection.
36 Rose: I will remember our romantic moments.
Rose: My love for you is genuine.
50 Rose: Regretless love, this is.
99 Rose: I will love you for as long as I live.
100 Rose: Harmoniously together in a century; remaining devoted as couple till ripe-old age.
101 Rose: You are my one and only love.
108 Rose: Please marry me!.
365 Rose: Can't stop thinking about you, each and everyday.
999 Rose: Everlasting and Eternal love.

copyrighted by fiona'darling. thanks darling(:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @

not gonna post actually, but here's a lil onee for dearest.
ie've got plently t tell but not here, in letter t you okays.
iloveyou princee, really do alot alot!
& yea, ie know mye attitude recently was oh-so horrible that may turn you off.
but, ie'll changee& ie meant it dearest.
actions speaks louder than words, watch mie with your naked eyes& wil see :D
anywae, your attiude& your ways of humoring mie aint any better lorsx.
violent pig!! can you be more gentlen& skillful. ahhas.
just wanna you t tell mie whats bothering you everytime alrights(:
imissyou every single second the moment ie didnt see you ):
with much loves& YOU'RE MINEE!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @
ima missing dear duringg mye thailand trip :x

so funnnn!

at AMKswimming complexx (:

the princee& princess :D

so in lovee(:

dear& mie on our way t get a haircut(:

party tonight
first blog 2008
second blog 2008 - 2010

my days, not yours.

March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008